WhiteHatBox 2014/11/20 11:19:38 0 0
SpinnerChief Web Version is released today.It means you can use SpinnerChief on your Mac, Ipad and Andriod System Now....
feckful 2014/11/25 13:50:32 0 0
How do I upgrade my current SP II Elite to SP III Ultimate with a one time payment?The page titled Upgrade to Spinner Chief III does not connect to PayPal. Instead it produces a server "unhandled exception" error.Are you out of business?
cwjohnson 2014/11/24 15:43:14 0 0
I watched the Super-spin tutorial and followed the steps in the video. However, my article still has the synonyms in brackets. How do i remove the original words and the brackets?Also in the video, some of the text was different colors after he spun the article. How do i enable that feature?
jeredoc 2014/11/19 17:50:56 0 0
Hi !i have : "jeredoc - API Paid user expire at 2014/12/29"But when connect i only have free version of api ! what should i do ?...
Ghazy 2014/10/19 18:44:50 0 0
 bought SpinnerChief III Ultimate Version - I am on 3 days trial ($7). I would like to try API Access and then purchase $67 license version.I have also another problem, i don't know what is  my API username I have sent my payment email to you Can you please check 
mactron 2014/11/15 13:33:01 0 0
Hello,I have one question..Can BotChiefEditor read in random HTML files from "article" folder?Thanks!
residentees 2014/11/05 15:15:42 0 0
You read the title right. I can't even scrape the article using the software. I can't believe i paid for something that doesn't work. Please fix this error
abulkazad 2014/10/29 04:07:28 0 0
Hi,My Username is abulkazadPlease upgrade and allow me to use the api with third party softwares.Thanks 
Merlin22 2014/10/25 15:42:51 0 0
I have been having a hard time trying to figure out how to not spin sentences in an article. Say I am writing a news type article and there are 4 sentences that I don't want SC to touch at all.  Is there a way to select those sentences, so they don't get spun, but everything else gets spun? I mostly manually spin things, but being able to do that or auto spin would be nice. I thought by right clicking the sentence that might work, but it...
Ghazy 2014/10/24 01:10:30 0 0
I' ve upgraded my subscription to the annual subscription and i sent 67 Dollars   .. the payment  but i still  have no messages in my inbox to activate the software 
Ghazy 2014/10/23 09:20:30 0 0
I have done a mistake i got a problem with WhiteHatBox. it wasn't open . so i delete it and installed it again and installed the spinnerchief 3 ultimate  again  and open it and put my user name and serial but i got a massage sorry your serial number is invalid or expired   there is a box shown and word...
lok 2014/10/10 00:07:14 0 0
1. Is there in newest spinnerchief local api option that i can spin unlimited articles through local API ?2. If i buy SpinnerChief III Ultimate for example how many API requests is included ? Or API is totally different thing and I should pay for that separately ? there account.spinnerchief.comThanks
sdawg7 2014/05/28 17:47:16 0 0
When I attempt to open SpinnerChief III, I receive the message "Canceled_Reversal". I have written to you before about this situation and you said you would look into it. As of to date I haven't heard anything from you.
johnny125 2014/10/01 06:57:25 0 0
HelloI bought SpinnerChief III Ultimate Version - I am on 3 days trial ($7). I would like to try API Access and then purchase...
kevinleijh 2014/10/01 19:07:26 0 0
Hi,I bought sc3 elite and I love it, is there any chance I can upgrade to ultimate without paying the full price? i'm planning to buy it when I have budget...
Fluppen 2014/09/25 10:15:19 0 0
Hi, on the download page (I can not post the link) of spinnerchief - free edition, it says I will get a download link and a serial but all I get is a downloadlink fot WhiteHatBox. So, I did and installed it and then downloaded spinnerchief III within WhiteHatBox but I can not run because I have no serial. Help appreciated. Regards, Fluppen
kevinleijh 2014/09/21 04:34:13 0 0
Hi I bought spinnerchief 3 elite account. I tried to validate my elite api account but did not receive email validation. Please help thanks
Africamank1 2014/09/10 03:25:01 0 0
Hellol have bought German Thesaurus serial No. (4a067a5) to use for SpinnerChief Desktop and SpinnerChief Web.But it seems not to work for SpinnerChief Desktop.Also try to Upload to SpinnerChief Web But it can′t be upload this link account.spinnerchief dot com/thesaurusverify.zip) is not working.Please help me to solve the problem before l ask for my Money Back for German Thesaurus serial No. (4a067a5) l bought....
contentchallenger 2014/08/28 11:53:57 0 0
As most of you know there's another so-called "best spinner" out there that has a history of crashing all of the time. Customers have to go through all kinds of gymnastics to simply hope that the program will work. It's happened to me continually.I've NEVER had this problem with SpinnerChief. I'm blown away at how much thought continues to go into SpinnerChief and can't wait for version IV to come out.
dbh3000 2014/08/08 04:56:04 0 0
Hello I need to batchspin files in lots of different subfolder.But when i select top folder, it doesn't spin files within subfolders.I don't want to believe there is no option for this. I believe it exists.
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