If you are SpinnerChief 3 ultimate user, you will be upgraded to SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate version freely. Please check the below link:
Download SpinnerChief 4 in whitehatbox app directly.
By the way, please read the information carefully when you decide to upgrade it. if there is any problem, please feel free to have a contact with us. Thanks
please send your payment/paypal email to this account: [email protected], and then check whether the serial number is correct or not. sorry for the inconvenience
if the serial number is correct, please restart the software to have a try again.
Wait minute, i will answer you later. Thanks
Hello my friend,
Usually upgrading from SC3 Ultimate to SC4 is free, but it is not free for these users who used the coupon upgrading from SC2 to SC3 before, and the price is slower than the normal price. Wish you can understand. Thanks
Thank you for looking into the details for me but your explanation makes no sense to me at all.
In my opinion, a coupon code should give a discount off a product, not downgrade the product to a lesser version.
I don't recall whether I used a coupon code in the transaction. However, that should not matter. My receipt is for the full version of spinnerchief 3 ultimate. There is no mention in the confirmation email from you, or the email sending me my registration code, that you had sold me a lesser product.
I have not seen any mention of customers using coupon codes being issued with lesser licences anywhere, either on the sales page at the time, in email correspondence from you, or anywhere on the Internet. Indeed there are a number of mentions, including in these forums, of the upgrade to spinnerchief 4 ultimate from spinnerchief 3 ultimate version being free of charge. Your position is therefore a complete surprise to me.
I have to say that I am disappointed. It feels to me like you have moved the goalposts and this has damaged your brand in my eyes.
I don't intend to pay the additional $77 you are now asking for. The information available has always suggested that I should be upgrading freely. I respectfully request that you reconsider your position and will contact support via email to ask for this again.