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Change your Answereye license to AnswersChief freely

ReplyThanks 2015/05/17 03:12:57 2 0

We have made a new yahoo!answers software named AnswersChief that works with the newest Yahoo!Answers Update, and it supports to submit picture and videos to Yahoo!Answers.

We have decided to stop Answereye development, and use the new AnswersChief to replace Answereye.

And we decided to give an update for old Answereye users to the new AnswersChief freely.

Here is what you need to do for getting the new serial code >>

1. Find your old Answereye payment email and send it to [email protected]

Then we will reply back with the AnswersChief serial code.

Let's ROCK!
2015/05/17 09:02:10
Sent you an email from me(at)joefares.com with the invoice for Answereye.... Looking forward to hearing back from you asap.
2015/05/17 09:14:26


Visit - www.ShashankGupta.net
2015/05/23 07:43:42
Ok, I have emailed my answereye payment email to you to get the answerchief license and am waiting for that to be returned.

I have downloaded the trial version and had a play and it seems to work great.. Cant wait to get my full license and let it rip

The only feature you have never implemented that I would like to see is the ability to import a list of questions from a simple txt file with a single url on each line. It would be good if as part of the import the system then visited each question and grabbed the question title etc .. and then these were available for the system to then answer like normal.
2015/05/23 23:07:48


I sent an email to get the new code about a week ago but nobody has responded. I don't have the original purchase email but I did send an email that had my old serial code for answereye. [email protected]

2015/05/25 18:18:32

How often do you guys check your email.?

Still no response to my answereye upgrade to answerchief email.

2015/05/26 00:04:52
Hi, glennbatten. I am sorry for not replying you earlier. Today, we will be unified reply with serial code.
2015/05/26 07:01:53

Thanks.. I am looking forward to trying it without the trial version restrictions...

I am hoping us Answereye originals will also get this as detailed on the Answerchief page...

If you buy AnswerChief today, we will also give Yahoo software to automatically register accounts and edit account-free of charge.

Also, will the version of Answerchief we get be dependent on the version of Answereye we had. ie.. I had Answereye Unlimited so will I get Answerchief Elite?... and therefore people with a lower Answereye version... only get Answerchief professional??

2015/05/28 22:36:17

Guys, already sent you AnswersChief serial code.

You will get AnswersChief pro version that contains all functions of Answereye ultimate and more

Let's ROCK!
2016/07/01 14:50:55
Can you guys check your email and get back to me with my answerschief serial key, I sent an email yesterday from truthealer07 at yahoo and still no reply yet.
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